The GruLab team

Led by Sergei Grudinin, CNRS Researcher at Jean Kunzmann Laboratory, Grenoble Alpes University.

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Team and collaborators

Sergei Grudinin

CNRS researcher, team leader.

Florian Echelard

PhD student. Development of novel methods in structural bioinformatics for peripheral proteins. Co-supervised with Nathalie Reuter. Funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Dmitrii Zhemchuzhnikov

PhD student. Volumetric data processing. Funded by the Ministry grant.

Khan-Chi Nguyen-Pham

PhD student. Development of language models for virtual drug screening. Co-supervised with Yung-Sing Wong. Funded by Département de Pharmacochimie Moléculaire.

Elodie Laine

Professor at Sorbonne University, Paris, France. Protein sequence to structures and functions. Co-advises V. Lombard and Julien Nguyen Van.

Valentin Lombard

PhD student. Geometric deep manifold learning combined with Natural Language Processing for protein movies. Co-supervised with Elodie Laine. SCAI doctoral grant.

Julien Nguyen Van

PhD student. Deciphering the complexity of proteoform interactions with evolutionary- and physically-informed protein language models. Co-supervised with Elodie Laine. Funded by the ERC.

Emmanuel Jehanno

PhD student. Development of deep-learning methods for material science. Co-supervised with Julien Mairal. Funded by the ERC.

Roman Klypa

PhD student. Novel Generative Models with Equivariant Properties for 3D Biological Data. Co-supervised with Alberto Bietti. Funded by École Polytechnique.

Rémi Vuillemot

PostDoc. Novel methods for integrative structural bioinformatics. Funded by Grenoble University.

Kliment Olechnovič

PostDoc. Development of novel tessellation algorithms. Funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Davy Darankoum

PhD student. Development of deep-learning methods for EEG signals. Co-supervised with Julien Volle. Funded by SynapCell.

Pablo Chacon

Research Staff Scientist at Institute of Physical Chemistry (IQFR-CSIC), Group leader (IQF Madrid, Spain).

Nathalie Reuter

Professor at Bergen University (Norway), Group leader.

Mikael Lund

Professor at Lund University (Sweden), Group leader.

Eric Deeds

Professor at UCLA (USA), Group leader.

Julien Mairal

Researcher at Inria, Group leader.

Yung-Sing Wong

CNRS Researcher, Group leader.

Dina Schneidman

Professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Group leader.

We are hiring!

We are looking for highly talented and motivated PhDs and Post-doctoral fellows, with backgrounds in applied mathematics and physics, algorithms and computer science, and structural bioinformatics.

Get in touch!


Full list here

Vuillemot, R., Pellequer, J.-L., & Grudinin, S. (2024). AFMfit: Deciphering conformational dynamics in AFM data using fast nonlinear NMA and FFT-based search. bioRxiv, 2024–2006.

Grudinin, S. (2024). New Challenges in Structural Bioinformatics: When Physics Meets Big Data. HDR thesis. Université Grenoble Alpes.

Olechnovic, K., & Grudinin, S. (2024). Voronota-LT: efficient, flexible and solvent-aware tessellation-based analysis of atomic interactions. bioRxiv, 2024–2002.

Lombard, V., Grudinin, S., & Laine, E. (2024). Explaining Conformational Diversity in Protein Families through Molecular Motions. bioRxiv, 2024–2002.

Zhemchuzhnikov, D., & Grudinin, S. (2024). ILPO-NET: Network for the invariant recognition of arbitrary volumetric patterns in 3D. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2403. 19612.

Zhemchuzhnikov, D., & Grudinin, S. (2024). On the Fourier analysis in the SO (3) space: EquiLoPO Network. arXiv Preprint arXiv:2404. 15979.

Golub, M., Moldenhauer, M., Matsarskaia, O., Martel, A., Grudinin, S., Soloviov, D., … Pieper, J. (2023). Stages of OCP--FRP Interactions in the Regulation of Photoprotection in Cyanobacteria, Part 2: Small-Angle Neutron Scattering with Partial Deuteration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(9), 1901–1913.

Appasamy, S. D., Berrisford, J., Gaborova, R., Nair, S., Anyango, S., Grudinin, S., … Others. (2023). Annotating Macromolecular Complexes in the Protein Data Bank: Improving the FAIRness of Structure Data. Scientific Data, 10(1), 853.

Vakser, I. A., Grudinin, S., Jenkins, N. W., Kundrotas, P. J., & Deeds, E. J. (2022). Docking-based long timescale simulation of cell-size protein systems at atomic resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(41), e2210249119.

Zhemchuzhnikov, D., Igashov, I., & Grudinin, S. (2022). 6DCNN with roto-translational convolution filters for volumetric data processing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36, 4707–4715.

Fidelis, K., & Grudinin, S. (2021). Session introduction: AI-driven Advances in Modeling of Protein Structure. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2022, 1–9.

Pierré, W., Hervé, L., Paviolo, C., Mandula, O., Remondiere, V., Morales, S., … Others. (2022). 3D time-lapse imaging of a mouse embryo using intensity diffraction tomography embedded inside a deep learning framework. Applied Optics, 61(12), 3337–3348.

Igashov, I., Olechnovič, K., Kadukova, M., Venclovas, Č., & Grudinin, S. (2021). VoroCNN: deep convolutional neural network built on 3D Voronoi tessellation of protein structures. Bioinformatics, 37(16), 2332–2339.

Kadukova, Maria, Machado, K. dos S., Chacón, P., & Grudinin, S. (2021). KORP-PL: a coarse-grained knowledge-based scoring function for protein--ligand interactions. Bioinformatics, 37(7), 943–950.

Igashov, I., Pavlichenko, N., & Grudinin, S. (2021). Spherical convolutions on molecular graphs for protein model quality assessment. Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2(4), 045005.

Laine, E., & Grudinin, S. (2021). HOPMA: Boosting protein functional dynamics with colored contact maps. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(10), 2577–2588.

Laine, E., Eismann, S., Elofsson, A., & Grudinin, S. (2021). Protein sequence-to-structure learning: Is this the end (-to-end revolution)? Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 89(12), 1770–1786.


Try them out

  • All
  • Scattering
  • Symmetries
  • Motions
  • Proteins
  • Drugs
  • Algorithms
  • ML
  • DL


How to reconstruct molecular motions using low-res AFM data?

R. Vuillemot, J.L. Pellequer, and S. Grudinin* (2024) Submitted


From sparse static structures to movies!

V. Lombard, S. Grudinin* and E. Laine* (2024) Scientific Data


6D roto-translational convolution filters for volumetric data processing

D. Zhemchuzhnikov, I. Igashov, S Grudinin* (2022)


Invariance to rotations and translations of local patterns in volumetric data

D. Zhemchuzhnikov, S Grudinin (2024)


Roto-translational equivariance and activation in the Fourier space

D. Zhemchuzhnikov, S Grudinin (2024)


Spherical graph convolutional networks

I. Igashov, N. Pavlichenko, and S. Grudinin* (2021)


Convolutional neural network trained on Voronoi tessellation of 3D protein structures

I. Igashov, K. Olechnovič, M. Kadukova, Česlovas Venclovas, and S. Grudinin* (2021)


More freedom to the proteins!

E. Laine* and S. Grudinin* (2021) J. Phys. Chem. B

NOLB Normal Modes[Video]

How does my favourite protein move?

S. Grudinin+, E. Laine+, and A. Hoffmann (2020) Biophys. J. A. Hoffmann and S. Grudinin (2017) J. Chem. Th. Comput.


Virtual screening pipeline

M. Kadukova, K. dos Santos Machado, P. Chacón*, S. Grudinin* (2021)


KNOwledge-Driven Ligand Extractor

M. Kadukova, S. Grudinin* (2016)


Knowledge-based scoring function for protein-ligand interactions

M. Kadukova, S. Grudinin* (2011-2020)


Analytical Analyzer of Symmetries

G. Pagès & S. Grudinin* (2018)


Ultra-fast FFT-based protein symmetry asembler

D. Ritchie & S. Grudinin (2015)

Pepsi Suite

Multipole-based SAXS and SANS profile computation method

S. Grudinin (2016-now)


3DCNN to detect structural repetitions in proteins and their density maps

G. Pagès, and S. Grudinin* (2019)


3DCNN built on oriented local protein frames

G. Pagès, B. Charmettant, and S. Grudinin* (2019)


Smooth orientation-dependent scoring function for coarse-grained protein quality assessment

M. Karasikov, and S. Grudinin* (2018)


Rapid computations of the root mean square deviations (RMSD) of flexible molecules

E. Neveu, P. Popov, A. Hoffmann, and S. Grudinin* (2018)


Constant-time calculation of the root mean square deviations (RMSD) for rigid molecules

P. Popov, and S. Grudinin* (2014)


Upcoming Scientific Events

AlgoSB 2024 school on machine learning for structural bioinformatics

International winter school (~50 participants), Nov. 8-12, 2024, IES Cargèse, France. Registration deadline July 14th, 2024. [materials]


Contact Us


LJK, UMR 5224
CNRS - Grenoble Alpes University
Bâtiment IMAG - first floor
150 place du Torrent
38401 Saint Martin d'Hères, FRANCE